Here's a tutorial for making your own labels!
I used a map as front but ofcourse you can use a newspaper or something else too!
It is really easy to make and has a lovely result!You'll need:
* A map, pictures, newspaper or whatever.. (something for the front of your label)
* An example or template of a label
* Sturdy paper
* Coloured paper
*Thin, tight rope
* Glue
* Scissors
* Perforator
1: Find a nice front for your label. I used a map (of Germany hahaha)
2: Take the example of your label and trace it on your front.
3: Cut out on the just drawn lines
4: Glue the paper labels on a sturdy piece of paper
5: Cut the labels out
6: If you have 7 labels you have to draw 7 cirkels on one half of the coloured paper
7: Fold the coloured paper one time
8: Cut out the 7 cirkels. Because you folded the paper you get 14 cirkels
8: Cut out the 7 cirkels. Because you folded the paper you get 14 cirkels
9: Glue the cirkels on the label
10: Perforate in the middle of the coloured circle.
11: Cut the rope in pieces of 15 cm
12: Pull the rope through the holes you just perforated
13: Tie a knot in the rope
DONE! Your labels look great!
See you next time! xoxo. Jolijn