vrijdag 15 februari 2013

DIY Labels

Here's a tutorial for making your own labels!

I used a map as front but ofcourse you can use a newspaper or something else too!
                                      It is really easy to make and has a lovely result!

You'll need:
* A map, pictures, newspaper or whatever.. (something for the front of your label)
* An example or template of a label
* Sturdy paper
* Coloured paper
*Thin, tight rope
* Glue
* Scissors
* Perforator

1: Find a nice front for your label. I used a map (of Germany hahaha)
2: Take the example of your label and trace it on your front.
3: Cut out on the just drawn lines
4: Glue the paper labels on a sturdy piece of paper
5: Cut the labels out
6: If you have 7 labels you have to draw 7 cirkels on one half of the coloured paper
7: Fold the coloured paper one time
Cut out the 7 cirkels. Because you folded the paper you get 14 cirkels
9: Glue the cirkels on the label
10: Perforate in the middle of the coloured circle.
11: Cut the rope in pieces of 15 cm
12: Pull the rope through the holes you just perforated
13: Tie a knot in the rope

                                                           DONE! Your labels look great!
                                                           See you next time! xoxo. Jolijn

zondag 10 februari 2013

Six ways #1

Six ways to wear a bandana! It is my first subject in the six ways topic! :)
And there are coming some more! This picture is also on my pinterest so if you like it, then REPIN! and follow my boards.
Click here for the pin
If you have a request for this topic please comment!

I hope you can get inspired by the six ways topic and go wear a bandana in many more different ways now!
Bye! x.


zaterdag 9 februari 2013

New laptop, new chances.

I got myself a new laptop lately and I hope I can post some more things, because working on your own laptop is so much cooler!
Well I am going to work on some new posts :)
I guess I already have some awesome ideas
See ya! x.